AEI Systems
Contact - +44 (0) 1344 636200

ADEN 30mm Aircraft Cannon

MK4, MK5, MK6

ADEN 30mm Aircraft Cannon. DA, IPR & OEM

AEI Systems is the Design Authority (DA), Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and owner of the IPR and proprietary rights for this aircraft gun to the latest standard.

ADEN 30mm Aircraft Cannon is a gas-operated, electrically primed revolver type gun, that has continuously been improved and updated since its conception in the early 1950s.

The compact nature of this self-powered cannon makes it an attractive option for relatively simple on-aircraft installation, whether considered for an underslung pod, under-fuselage blister or interior fuselage carriage.

Mounting of the gun is possible at any angle through 360 degrees on the longitudinal axis to suit specific aircraft installation requirements. Both left and right-hand feed versions are available.

AEI manufactures the complete ADEN 30 mm gun, all support equipment and conducts proof and acceptance testing.

Product Support

AEI offers its customers full logistical, technical and spares support. The expertise within the company enables AEI to offer the highest level of product support essential for the efficient and effective operational role demanded of the equipment.

This includes every aspect of the gun and its interfacing equipment and gauges from technical queries and advice to gun refurbishment. In the latter case each component is critically examined and, where necessary, replaced by new components prior to rebuild, proof and test firing, as required. Refurbishment is carried out in accordance with BAE Systems approved specifications and is offered as a service to our customers worldwide.

AEI’s high inventory levels of shelf spares and a computerised information system guarantee fast order processing including an AOG service and a minimum turnaround time. Which combine to give AEI a justifiable reputation for customer service and satisfaction.

Spares Support

AEI offers the full range of tools, gauges and support equipment which are generally available from stock.

Refurbishment, Rebuilding, Servicing

Customers complete guns or components are refurbished/rebuilt/serviced in AEI’s modern plant incorporating the latest sophisticated techniques. All machining and fabrication are carried out to the highest standard in accordance with our BS EN ISO 9001:2008 approval. All weapons/components undergoing refurbishment are put through the following procedures:

  • Degrease and strip down.
  • Examination—gauging—component replacement, de-burring—sandblast and de-coppering of barrels.
  • Protective treatment—chrome plating gas cylinders and phosphating (rust prevention) in accordance with the store drawings/specification requirement.
  • Assembly and Testing. The gun is reassembled under stringent conditions, regauged and hand functioned prior to test firing and, if necessary, re-proof. AEI holds substantial stocks of 30 mm Aden TP and proof (overpressure) rounds.
Data sheet

ADEN 30 1






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